BEE Bulletins

Please reminder to call Safe Arrival 250-656-7425

Picture of Karen Blair
Please reminder to call Safe Arrival 250-656-7425
by Karen Blair - Monday, 22 January 2018, 2:33 PM

Safe Arrival Reminder:

This is a time of year when children are more likely to be sick. Please remember if your child is going to be absence or late to call theĀ Sidney Safe Arrival line at (250) 656-7425. This is very helpful for our wonderful volunteers who work diligently to keep our children safe.

A huge thank you goes out to all of our Safe Arrival Volunteers ~ we certainly could not run this program without you. Thank you also to the coordinator, Alision Scott. If you wish to become a volunteer please do not hesitate to contact the school at (250) 656-3958. Thank you!